Jarabe de Yacón


It’s an extract from the root of the yacon plant grown in South America. It looks similar to a sweet potato in its whole form but looks and tastes similar to molasses in its liquid form. It’s high in antioxidants, prebiotics, and fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which is a dietary fiber that keeps you feeling fuller longer, assists with digestion, and is low glycemic. Yacon syrup can be used as a sugar substitute to help keep your body healthy and your taste buds happy.

Aside from a low glycemic index, yacón’s sugars are primarily composed of a component called “FOS,” short for fructooligiosaccharides. FOS is a type of low-calorie, non-digestible carbohydrate that tastes like sugar on the tongue, but is not processed as sugar by the body. It even offers health benefits such as promoting healthy bacteria balance in the digestive tract. Add in trace minerals like phosphorus and potassium as well as 20 amino acids, and you’re left with an extremely beneficial ingredient, as far as sweeteners go anyway.

Product Details

  • Cientific Name : Smallanthus sonchifolius
  • Benefits : bajas-calorias
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